The start of classes for the 1st Semester AY 2024-2025
Senior High School: July 22, 2024
College Level: August 6, 2024
Graduate School: August 10, 2024
Program | Last day of admission (Application for new students) |
Last day of enrollment |
Senior High School | July 29, 2024 | August 05, 2024 |
Undergraduate | August 13, 2024 | August 20, 2024 |
Graduate School | August 24, 2024 | August 31, 2024 |
Yes, we have onsite admissions and/or enrollment. The office of the Admissions and Academic Internationalization is open from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Saturday from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon. Walk-in applicants and those who need assistance for admissions and other related inquiries may visit the office.
No, there is no age limit. However, some programs require health clearance which may be affected by the applicant's age.
The mandatory requirements when applying for admissions for Grade 11 and first year college are the following:
- Copy of the complete report card for the previous school year (if the current school year is not yet completed)
- Copy of the report card of the current school year (at least for the 1st quarter or 1st semester)
- Latest copy of Certificate of Good Moral Character
For transferees and 2nd coursers, following are the mandatory requirements:
- Transcript of Records (TOR)
- Course description for subject crediting
- Certification of Good Moral Character
- Honorable dismissal / Transfer Credentials
The rest of the requirements may be uploaded in the admissions portal prior to the opening of classes.
None. Entrance examination is waived for the AY 2024-2025. Bases for evaluation are the admissions documents uploaded in the admissions portal. An online / onsite interview may be scheduled for further evaluation.
For concerns on the admissions online registration, re-logging in the admissions portal and other related concerns, please call the Admissions Office at 0976-103 7505 or email
Yes, we do accept transferees provided that the applicant
- has gone only to one school prior to her transfer to St. Paul University Manila
- has good academic standing in his/her previous school
- presents a certificate of good moral character from a credible offical from his/her previous school.
- submits a copy of transcript of records, course description (as basis for subject crediting) and honorable dismissal.
A thorough assessment of the applicant's academic records will be the basis in determining whether or not the courses taken in the previous school will be credited.
Yes, but only after an assessment of the student's academic records. If the subjects taken up by the applicant in Grade 11 covers a majority of the SPU Manila Grade 11 curriculum and will require only a few special classes to cover the deficiencies, the transferee may be accepted. However, if the Grade 11 subjects taken up in his/her previous school are very different from the Grade 11 curriculum in SPU Manila, he/ she may be refused.
The tuition, miscellaneous, and other fees for one whole school year in the Senior High School (SHS) is ₱59,285.00. This includes the fees for Robotics, Schoology learning platform, reading program, and other special programs.
Yes, we accept SHS vouchers. Grade 10 completers who come from the public schools are automatically eligible to 100% of the SHS Voucher equivalent to ₱22,500; while those who were ESC Grantees in the JHS are eligible to 80% of the SHS Voucher equivalent to ₱18,000. This would mean that Grade 10 completers from public schools and former ESC Grantees from private schools pay only ₱41,285.00 and ₱36,785.00, respectively. Books and uniforms are paid separately.
Please click the link to view tuition fee rate & installment plan
Please click the link to view tuition fee rate & installment plan.
Link: here
The tuition fee varies depending on the year level and the number of units. College tuition fee rates per unit:
- First Year: ₱ 1,786.36
- Second Year: ₱1,786.36
- Third Year: ₱1,705.15
- Fourth Year: ₱1,623,95
The number of units in a regular semester in the undergraduate level is about 21 to 30 units. While in a Special Term, the number of units is about 6-9 units.
Please click the link to view tuition fee rate
The miscellaneous fee for the college is ₱4,566.09.
Yes, there are other fees aside from the miscellaneous fees depending on the chosen academic program. Please refer to the Schedule of Fees for first year college students
Books in the Grade 11 & 12 cost between ₱5,000 - ₱6,000 per semester. This is applicable only for AY 2023-2024.
Yes. We offer scholarships and grants for deserving students who are in need of financial assistance.
The following are the scholarships offered for college students:
- Student Assistance Program
- Education Grant
- PD 577
- Mother Bernard
- H.O.P.E. Ablaze Scholarship
- Tertiary Education Subsidy (TES)
For further details, please refer to the information on scholarships found in our website: or email
You will be required to have visa conversion. Here are the steps:
- Upon entry to the Philippines, secure a tourist visa
- Secure a Bureau of Quarantine Stamp
- Surrender old ACR-CARD at Student Visa Desk ( Bureau of Immigration)
- Apply for a student visa
For further assistance and guidance on the process, please get in touch with our Liason Officer, Ms. Lovely Lim, at
You will be required to have visa conversion. Here are the steps:
- Upon entry to the Philippines, secure a tourist visa
- Secure a Bureau of Quarantine Stamp
- Apply for student visa with the assistance of SPU Manila Liason Officer.
For further assistance and guidance on the process, please get in touch with our Liason Officer, Ms. Lovely Lim, at
Yes. Processing of visa extension should be done at least one month before the date of expiry. Here are the steps:
- Request for your complete grades from SPU Manila Office of the University Registrar. For incomplete grades (IP), the concerned College Dean shall provide a letter addressed to the Commission of the Bureau of Immigration.
For submission and further guidance on visa extension, please get in touch with our Liason Officer, Ms. Lovely Lim, at
For AY 2024-2025, classes will continue to be delivered via face-to-face learning modality as per the minimum requirement set by the Department of Education for SHS and the Commission on Higher Education for the undergraduate program. The Graduate school program will resume the blended learning which is a combination of online and onsite learning modality that has been the usual practice prior to pandemic.
Please click the link to see the updated uniform rates
Classes in the undergraduate and graduate programs are arranged through Block Schedule. This is designed when courses/subjects are taken end-to-end or in modular form.
Yes. In claiming the first copy of academic credentials, please submit a Special Power of Attorney, with a photocopy of the school ID of the student and the ID of the representative.
For the 2nd copy, an authorization letter is required, with a photocopy of the student's school ID and the ID of the representative.
For walk-in request, present a clear and readable photocopy of the document/s you want to be authenticated to the OUR. Ask for the corresponding application form; indicate purpose of the request, pay at the Cashier the corresponding fee; submit the official receipt to the OUR for processing of your request.
Students may request for documents via email to indicating your full name, degree and year graduated or year attended in school, purpose of request and document/s request. Wait for the acknowledgement and instructions for the processing your request.
To follow-up request, please do not create another email, instead, use the same email thread. Please note also that some documents require an approved clearance. Only requests with payment receipts will be processed.
The process will take fourteen (14) working days upon submission of required documents. The requesting party (if currently enrolled) shall bring the original copy of the PSA-verified Birth Certificate (for verification only) together with its clear photocopy (for submission). He/she has to write a letter of request addressed to CHED.
If the applicant is not enrolled, or has already graduated from SPU Manila, he/she is required to submit a personal joint affidavit of two disinterested (not related) persons along with the Original PSA-verified Birth Certificate. For those who are changing their surname from single (maiden) to married, a copy (original or photocopy) of the marriage contract is required.
Yes. We offer non-thesis programs but it is now called a Professional Track. In place of a thesis is a Capstone Paper (Project-Based Ressearch). To learn more about our graduate school program offering both with thesis (Academic Track) and project-based research (Professional Track), you may click this link:
Please refer to the section on Academics and Research in our website
Yes. We offer Masters and Doctorate Programs. The list of post-graduate studies is found on the SPU Manila official website
For admission requirements and application, you may click this link:
Yes. We offer the following short-term courses: Teacher Certificate Program; Certificate Program in Teaching Values Education and GMRC; Certificate program in Campus Ministry; English Communication Program offered by the Language Development Center(LDC); and Academic English Service Program.
The following Paulinian Edge Short Courses 2022 under the Center for Continuing Education (CCE) may be taken in real-time or on-demand:
- Research Methodology Series (20 sessions)
- Creative Life Skills Series (5 sessions)
- Knowledge Management Series (5 sessions)
- Fil-Thai Exchange Program
- Creative Therapies Series 1 - Bibliotherapy (5 sessions)
- Learn French with a Twist (5 sessions)
- Leadership Series (5 sessions)
- Call to Collab (4 sessions)
Yes. St. Paul University Manila is an accredited ETEEAP provider for the Bachelor's Degree Program in Music. You may contact Dr. Josefina Antonio at or for more information.
We offer:
- STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
- ABM (Accountancy, Business, and Management)
- HUMSS (Humanities an Social Sciences)
- AADT (Arts and Design Track)
Included in the Senior High School Curriculum are Special Online Programs like Robotics, Reading, Science, and Microsoft Assessment.
For details, please refer to the section on Academics and Research
No. In St. Paul University Manila, we do not offer Pre-school, Kindergarten, Grade School, nor Junior High School programs. What we offer are Senior High School, College, Masters, Doctorate programs, Post-Graduate and other certificate programs.
Yes. All questions about use of facilities may be forwarded to the General Services Office through telephone number +632-8526-0410 Local 206 c/o Mr. Arden Mendoza.
Business hours are from Mondays to Fridays from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
On Mondays to Saturdays - 6:30 AM; On Sundays - 7:00 AM
To start accessing the FLOW LMS and other online platforms, all students are required to request for a digital id and SPU Manila account which will serve as main identification of all SPU Manila students online. To request for id and SPU Manila account, students should send an email to and provide their id number, complete name, and proof of enrollment.
Yes. We have student dormitories for ladies inside the campus. There are private rooms with bathroom that are good for two, three, or four. There are dormitory rooms good for eight with common toilet and bath. There are also 16 single rooms with a common bathroom. All rooms are air-conditioned.

Reservations may be done through this link
Yes. There is a dormitory dedicated for male students located across the Malvar Gate. There are 16 single air-conditioned rooms with a common bathroom. Monthly fee for a single room is Php 7,000. Residents are accepted on a first-come-first-served basis.

Reservations may be done through this link